Monday, June 30, 2014

By Laws Article V

Article V
Duties of Committees
Section 1 - The Membership Committee shall review the application for completeness, legibility and insure that the applicant is retired and meets the requirements in Article III, Section 4 of the Constitution.  Consideration shall be given to the candidate’s interest in the Club and probable participation.  This review shall include a discussion with the endorsing members and may entail personal/telephone call interview with the applicant.  After posting, the application, along with the Committee’s recommendations, shall be submitted to the Board of Directors for its action.

All newly accepted members and their sponsors shall be informed by the Membership Chairman who shall invite new members to be present at the next monthly business meeting.  New members shall be accompanied to the next meeting by at least one of the sponsors.  The President, or Membership Chairman, shall introduce the new member to those present and provide him with a copy of the Membership Directory and the Constitution and By-Laws.
                 Amended April, 1972; June, 1980; January, 1997, April 2010

Section 2 -The Clubhouse Program Committee shall select interesting, informative, and entertaining programs.
Amended January, 1997

Section 3 - The Friendship Committee shall be aware of the health and welfare of the members.  Any unusual circumstances regarding any of the members shall be reported to the Board of Directors for appropriate action.
             Amended January, 1965; January, 1997

Section 4 - (a) The Property Committee shall have the responsibility for the maintenance and care of the Clubhouse and furnishings together with procurement and repairs. The Committee shall have charge of the maintenance of property outside the Clubhouse, including general good appearance of the grounds and shrubbery, and the safe storage of equipment used outdoors.
Amended April, 1974

(b) The Property Committee shall report by memorandum or in person to the Board of Directors any infractions of the Club's rules and regulations pertaining to the properties under its jurisdiction.
Amended April 1974, January 1997

Section 5 - The Refreshment Committee shall have charge of supplying the refreshments at the business meetings of the Club, and other appropriate occasions.                    
Amended January, 1997

Section 6 - The Finance Committee shall advise the Board of Directors on financial problems and shall assist the Treasurer in preparation of the annual operating budget for the Club.
Amended May 1959

Section 7 - The Constitution and By-Laws Committee shall review and report to the Board of Directors upon the merits of each proposed amendment to the Constitution or the By-Laws. This report shall be made  to the Board of Directors at a meeting to be held at least ten days prior to the regular or special meeting of the Club at which the proposed amendment is to be considered.
Amended November 1957, January, 1997
 Section 8 - The Auditing Committee shall consist of three members, at least one of whom must be serving one or more immediate previous terms. The Auditing Committee shall meet at the call of the Chairman or at the request of the Treasurer.   
Amended November 1975

Section 9 - (a) The Nominating Committee shall consist of three members.  The President shall appoint the Chairman, who shall select two members to  be approved by the Board of Directors.  The Nominating Committee shall be formed during the month of February each year.                                            
Amended Jan. 1997
     (b) The Nominating Committee shall present at the December business meeting the names of the proposed members for the election to the offices of President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer each to serve one year; also the names of three members for election to the Board of Directors each to serve three years. Also, the Nominating Committee may propose members to fill any other vacancy on the Board of Directors which may have occurred.    
Amended November 1979, January, 1997, September 2004
Section 10 - The Editor(s) shall be responsible for the publication of the Newsletter.                           
 Amended June 1980, January, 1997

Section 11 - Each Chairman, except the Chairman of the Nominating Committee and the Chairman of the Auditing Committee, shall determine how many members shall serve on his committee. The names of these members shall be filed with the Secretary during the month of February. The names of  the chairmen and their committee members shall be published in the annual Membership Directory.            
Amended October 1958, January, 1997

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