Monday, June 30, 2014

Constitution Articles IV, V, VI and VII

Governing Body.

Section 1 - The Club shall be governed by a Board of Directors consisting of President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer and ten additional members.
                 Amended November 1979, September 2004

Section 2 - The President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Assistant Treasurer shall be elected annually. Each year three directors shall be elected to serve three years thus the elected directorate shall consist of three directors to serve three years,  three directors to serve two years and three directors to serve one year. The retiring President of the preceding year shall automatically become a member of the Board of Directors for one year.                                     
Amended November 1979, January, 1997, September 2004
Section 3 - Should it be necessary by death, retirement, or any other cause  to replace a member on the Board of Directors, it shall be by vote of the Club membership at a regular, or special business meeting called
for the purpose of filling the unexpired term.
Amended January, 1997

Section 4 - A quorum for the transaction of business shall consist of seven members.


The elected officers of the Club shall be a President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and an Assistant Treasurer.
Amended November 1979, September 2004

Nomination and Election of Officers and Directors

Section 1 - Nominations for the officers and directors shall be made by the nominating committee at a December meeting preceding the Annual Meeting of the Club. Nominations from the floor also may be made by members at the December meeting.
Amended October 1958, April 1974, November 1975.

Section 2 - The election of the Officers and Directors from the nominated candidates shall be by ballot at the Annual Meeting, and a majority vote of members present shall constitute an election. The successful candidates shall assume office immediately following the election. In the event of a tie vote for an office another ballot shall be taken.
Amended January, 1997

Section 3 - Should there be no contest for choice of any Officer or Director at the ballot, then the particular office may be filled by acclamation.

Standing Committees

There shall be standing committees consisting of the Membership, Clubhouse Program,  Friendship,  Property, Refreshment, Finance, Constitution and By - Laws, Auditing, Nominating, the Editor(s) of the Newsletter; and such other committees named by the President, as may be necessary to carry out the activities of the Club              
             Amended October 1980, January, 1997

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